Release Notes v 4.1.0

Modified on Wed, 24 Aug, 2022 at 2:22 PM

v.4.1.0. Release (April 23, 2019) 


  • Added support for E57 files.
  • Added exporting screenshots in TIFF, JPG, BMP, and PNG formats.
  • Added exporting camera animations as image sequences in TIFF, JPG, BMP, and PNG formats.
  • Added a wider range of offset vector options.
  • Improved octree generation, now it is up to five times faster.
  • Added the option to force 8-bit colors for LAS files
  • Added orthophoto tool (TIFF export).
  • Added annotation tool.
  • Added exporting annotations to DXF.
  • Added the point object.
  • Added exporting points to DXF.
  • Added the option to jump to the center of selected objects with Focus.


  • Every object type can now be used as a parent of other objects.
  • Camera animation keyframes are stored in the NUBIGON scene file.


  • Rearranged items in Main Menu.
  • Added displaying global or local coordinates to Status Bar.
  • Added Tool window to adjust parameters of the active tool.
  • Improved Console window messages.