While NUBIGON specializes in full-resolution visualization of point clouds on local devices, it also features a direct integration to Sketchfab to upload point clouds to the web easily. Below is a step-by-step description of the workflow:
Step 1: Open point cloud
- Open point clouds of any size, File > Open Point Cloud(s).
Step 2: Decimate point cloud, if necessary
- Decimate point cloud if your dataset contains more than 5M points.
- The target point count will depend on your Sketchfab membership and the level of detail you would like to preserve.
Sketchfab recommends less than 5 million points for desktop and less than 2-3 million points for mobile.
Step 3: Launch Sketchfab exporter and upload!
- Select the point cloud to be uploaded and launch the Sketchfab Exporter
- Input your Sketchfab API key, set the model properties, and upload!
Beware, if you don’t toggle the Draft field, your model will be published directly on Sketchfab.
If you have a Sketchfab Pro (or above) membership, you can keep your model private and optionally add a password. Check out Sketchfab's guide for more details on private models.