
Modified on Sun, 4 Feb at 2:52 PM

File icons

 New SceneStarts a new, blank scene.
Save SceneLets you save the current scene into a scene file (*.na) (Shortcut: Ctrl+S).
Load SceneLets you open a scene file (Shortcut: Ctrl+L).
 Upload to SketchfabLets you upload point clouds to Sketchfab.

Edit icons

 Delete SelectedDeletes selected objects in the Object List (Shortcut: Delete).
 UndoReverts your last action (Shortcut: Ctrl+Z).
 RedoReverts your last undo action (Shortcut: Ctrl+Y).

Controller icons

 Orbit ModeActivates orbit navigation mode.
 Fly ModeActivates fly navigation mode.
 Walk ModeActivates walk navigation mode.
 GamepadToggles the use of the gamepad controller plugged into your computer.

View icons

 Background SettingsLets you change the background color and the skybox.
 Fullscreen Enters the full screen mode.

Camera tool icons

 Focus on SelectedMoves the camera to focus on the selected objects (Shortcut: F).
 Align CameraLets you align the camera's view along the normal direction of a vertical or custom plane.
 Reset ViewResets the camera's position and orientation.
 Set PivotLets you set the viewport's center and the rotation center of the orbit controller.
 Look Through SelectedLets you switch the active camera to the selected one (Shortcut: F3).
 ShowLets you make all objects of a specific type in the scene visible.
 HideLets you make all objects of a specific type in the scene invisible.
 Add BookmarkBookmarks the current camera viewpoint.
 Show BookmarkLets you return to a bookmarked viewpoint.

Manipulator icons 

Disables the display of manipulators.
Activates the translation manipulator on selected objects.
Activates the rotation manipulator on selected objects.
Activates the scaling manipulator on selected objects.

 Create Icons

Creates a new group object (Shortcut: Ctrl+G).
Creates a new camera object.

Snap Icons  

 Snap to Grid
Activates snapping to grid intersections.
 Snap to CAD
Activates snapping to curves and points.
 Snap to Mesh Vertex
Activates snapping to mesh vertices.
 Snap to Section
Activates snapping to section points.

Preferences & Settings Icons

Launches the Preferences window.
Launches the Settings window.