As of NUBIGON v6.0.0., planes are individual items in the Object List. You can create up to six planes using the cross-section tool.
You can transform planes like any other object by selecting them in the Object List and using manipulators.
Visible planes will clip the scene. Toggle their visibility
to turn off the clipping.
Select a plane to view and edit its attributes in the Object Inspector.
In the Object Attributes, you can select which object categories (point cloud, mesh, CAD, section) the clipping should apply to. This is particularly useful for showcasing different project deliverables with screenshots and animations.
Check Flip plane to invert the plane’s direction so that the opposite side of the scene is visible.
Enable Show plane to display the plane as a semi-transparent object in the viewport.
Enable Show section to show all points within a distance tolerance of the plane. This is handy for showing animated sections in clip animations.